
Shabbat Post, Recent JBC.org activity, etc.

I've got a post in the works about this past Shabbat and leading Torah Study/Services at my temple, but as I am running on about 50% capacity, it will have to wait until another day. As my post will be related to my most recent post at JewsByChoice.Org, I thought I'd post links to all of my June and July posts there. If you are not a JBC.org reader I would encourage you to check out the blog. There are a lot of great posts and ensuing discussion in the comments that are relevant not only to converts, but to all Jews.

The Art of Leading Services

My First Camp Shabbat

Shlach L'cha: Punishment and Reminders

Truth and Respect

1 comment:

David A.M. Wilensky said...

Jenny, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I posted a response to you there and I'll be adding your blog to my reading list.