
Brief Thoughts on Israel

A co-worker's husband asked me last night what I thought about the situation in Israel and Gaza. I asked him if he wanted to know my opinion because I was a Jew, and he gave an honest answer of "Yes."

So, what do I think about the situation in Israel? I don't know. I can honestly say that I am conflicted about what is happening. It upsets me that civilians – children – on both sides have lost their lives or are being hurt, whether emotionally or physically, by the violence. At the same time I don't see how Israel should have to sit back and take Hamas slinging rockets at them over and over and over again. The situation is more complex than a simple "I support Israel" or "I don't support Israel" stance, and I'm having trouble coming up with a nuanced opinion about it. I know that as an American the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan anger me, but I also realize that we have to finish them in a responsible way, even if we got into them in an irresponsible manner. But as an American, as a Jew, I can't seem to come get to that same level with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Oberlin student in me shouts that no violence is good, even if you think it is justified, and especially if it hurts children. The Israel-supporter in me shouts that sometimes you need to respond with violence if that is the only thing that terrorists understand. And then the regular old Jew in me wishes that things could just be peaceful.

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