
A Welcome Shabbat

I had a lovely Shabbat this week despite having a crazy and stressful week at work. Services were pretty chill, a decent medium-sized crowd for us. One of the older members was there with his wife, mother, and grandson, and at one point the grandson (who is 4 years old, I believe) decided to do a reverse army crawl under the first row of chairs. It was pretty awesome and a welcome sense of levity after a not fun week. A good friend was also in attendance with her two young children and it was great seeing them as I haven't in quite awhile. She taught me how to say "eat me" in Hebrew to respond to anyone who doesn't like me wearing tzitzit.

Because my rabbi was out of town again our intern would be handling Torah study and services the next morning; as we are friends and as I know he has a lot on his plate anyway, I told him I would read Torah since I had read the 10 commandments on Shavuot and wouldn't need to prepare. So, I got up Saturday morning and looked over things just to remind myself and headed to temple. It was a good Torah study, using some Rashi and Sforno and some of the new Women's Torah Commentary from the WRJ, though as usual, we didn't get through much. We have a tendency to get about 2 lines in and start our debating and not get much farther.

The Torah service went well and I only flubbed a couple of words, mostly because the scroll we were using is not the clearest.

And then I went home, had lunch, and took the day of rest thing literally by going to sleep for 3.5 hours. It was great.


Dusty said...

And how does one say "Eat me" in Hebrew? This I would like to know and be able to use at my discretion--not because someone might critize my choices--but because I work with 8th graders all day and I am not allowed to say "Eat me" to them in English. :)
Peace, D

JD said...

Something like "ocheeloti." I can't quite remember now. I'll have to ask Melissa next time I see her, so don't quote me on that.