
Jewish Music

I am a music nut. If I had my choice I would be listening to music all day long; luckily in my job I can have my iPod plugged into my head for most of the workday. I'm always on the look out for new, good music, and my tastes range from my favorite band R.E.M. to Motown to the Beatles to contemporary folk to bluegrass to pop to alternative to classical... it goes on. And I love Jewish music, but sometimes it's hard to find good Jewish music that isn't, well, cheesy. I am not a fan of Debbie Friedman (though I don't discount the incredible musical impact she has had on the Reform movement) and Craig Taubman kind of bugs me (plus his L'cha Dodi brings to mind a frightful image of striptease thanks to some good friends of mine, unfortunate on Friday Night Live at my temple).

Listed below are my current Jewish music favorites. Anyone reading this is encouraged to comment with their own favorites!

  1. Dan Nichols. He is coming to my temple this weekend as our artist-in-residence; it's the 5th or 6th year that we've had him and it's always a great time. If you don't know who he is, or have never heard his music, you can download a couple of songs from his website, www.jewishrock.com. When he leads Friday night services it is very special and spiritual, providing a connection that only music can. Dan was my first introduction to Jewish music outside of a service setting. During my conversion process I listened to him a lot and it helped me to form a strong Jewish connection. Favorite song: Kehillah Kedoshah
  2. Moshav. I had heard about them a few years ago but it's only been in the last year or so that I began to listen to Moshav (formally Moshav Band). Beyond being incredible musicians they bring a great spirituality and social awareness to their music without you feeling like you need to be sitting in temple to listen to it. Favorite song: When I'm Gone
  3. Blue Fringe. A group out of Yeshiva University, they have great text-based and tradition-based Jewish rock music. It's not all great, and mentions of the moshiach kind of turn me off, but all in all, a good band. Favorite song: Flippin' Out
  4. Josh Nelson Project. I don't know much about Josh Nelson yet (not to be confused with Joshua Nelson), but I saw him at the Biennial this year and he has a great energy to his music. I'm not sure if his album is out yet, but from I have a few songs from a sampler CD and currently am enjoying it. Favorite song: none yet
  5. Matisyahu. I'm not a big fan of reggae-tinged rap, and I don't listen to him a lot, but I respect what he is trying to do and he is quite talented. Favorite song: Lord Raise Me Up
I listened to Rick Recht for awhile, and he's okay, but I would classify him as more cheesy than not. I've heard a little bit of Rav Shmuel, but not enough to say I like him or not. The song I heard was decent, but I am reserving judgment until I hear more. I enjoy a couple of songs from artists I don't otherwise listen to. These include "Ki Va Moed" by C. Lanzbom & Noah Solomon and "L'cha Dodi" by Six13, an a cappella group.

So, what makes Jewish music, well, Jewish? Should it be about Jewish things? Should it be about God? Or should it just be music by Jews? And are we sometimes so starved for Jewish music that we'll listen to crap just because it's Jewish?

1 comment:

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Hey there :) You should check these out!!!

Idan Reichel Project
Yael Naim

There's also the Kroke Trio, which is some snazzy klezmer. As well as Black Ox Orkestar. :)