
Random Thoughts on the Future

I realize that I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, but that isn't because I haven't had anything on my mind. On the contrary, I think I've had TOO much on my mind and haven't been able to organize my thoughts past "ugh, I'm tired" on a daily basis. I did post over at JBC.org on last week's Torah portion, however. Go read it if you are interested.

What has been mainly on my mind is the future, namely my future, and what my plans are for it. I'm in an odd point in my life where I am happy and content in many areas, but in others I want change, need change in fact. I'm happy at my temple and with my involvement there. In a couple of weeks I'll join the Board of Trustees; next school year I will continue to teach 4th grade Hebrew and will likely be the permanent substitute teacher for a couple of the HUC students; and I will hopefully get more chances to lead Torah study when my rabbi and our intern are both out of town (or even when they are in town). I'm less happy with my job; at the moment it feels like a means to an end, but I just don't know what that end is. Suffice to say I have a lot of planning and decisions to make over the next few months if I'm going to make the changes I want. That was all very vague, but there are some things that are not ready for public consumption at the moment.

The weeks are winding down until my good friend is ordained and he and his wife move across the country to southern California. I'm very happy for them both as both will be beginning new jobs and hopefully settling into a more permanent home. At the same time I'm sad; they have become my family over the past couple of years and I'm going to miss them dearly. They are good people and have been a huge influence on my life and on my Judaism.

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