
Things That Make Me A Geek (TM)

I'm going to depart from my normal blog subjects and do a little fun blog on other things that I am interested in--in top ten form!

1. NASA and the moon missions.
I have been mesmerized by NASA and space for years, reading everything I could about the moon missions, about the space race, etc. If there is a documentary on TV about NASA I'll watch it. My interest doesn't really translate to astronomy, really. It's the exploration in the past century that has fascinated me. Recently a friend's husband went to the shuttle launch and I was extremely jealous...

I a bit of a history buff and love to read about the battles, but more specfically about individual soldiers and outfits that sacrificed to get the job done. When those who fought in WWII and the others of that generation are described as The Greatest Generation, I can't help but agree.

3. TV Shows that bring out the Obsessive Geek (tm) in me.
These include: Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, Sports Night, West Wing, Alias, the Gilmore Girls, Angel, and Bones. I like a lot of other shows, too, but these seem to be the ones I geek out on and amuse my friends and co-workers with my excited blathering. Mostly Battlestar Galactica right now as it is the only one currently showing new episodes since Bones finished its season. (By the way, mental_floss.com has a great blog about Battlestart v. Star Trek that I enjoyed, being a fan of Star Trek as well).

4. Painting
I was a painter once upon a time. I've recently taken it up again as a way to reconnect with my creative side and relax a bit. But, there was a time when the best way for me to express myself was through painting. I was an art major in college, and while I didn't have the drive and ambition to make fine art my career, I still love it. I mostly worked in oil when I painted, but as it is such a mess and I have such a small space, when I began painting again I tried water color. Having not picked up water colors in over 10 years I was worried that I wouldn't remember how to paint with them, but I've found that not only do I remember, but I'm enjoying it more than I ever did with oils.

5. Sudoku
This might be a weird thing to admit obsession with, but I can't help it. I actually have to regulate my enjoyment of it otherwise I will sit for hours with a pen (no wimpy pencils for me!), doing puzzle after puzzle. I even dream about it if I've been doing a lot of puzzles... It's a sickness, really.

6. Coca-Cola
Another weird thing to be obsessed with, but alas, I'm weird. When I was in Atlanta a couple of years ago for a business meeting I made sure my flight arrived early enough to ensure I would get to visit World of Coke. Seriously, I got there 5 hours before I was to meet my colleagues for dinner... I just love the taste, and I have my preferences as to which is better--regular Coke in a cold can is tops, 2nd only to regular Coke in a glass bottle, followed closely by a fountain Coke w/ cherry syrup added from Frisch's Big Boy.

7. Corn Fields (and clouds)
Admittedly I wouldn't call my fascination with fields in general, and corn fields in particular, an obsession, per se. It's just that I love to look at them. My idea of a relaxing summer afternoon would be to go for a drive in the country and look at the fields. I have rolls of film devoted to fields and clouds and clouds over fields with fences or roads or farm houses...

8. Cheese
This is the one food I couldn't live without. I'd be fine without chocolate, bread, etc. But take away my cheese and you might as well tell me the sun is about to burn itself out and all life on earth will end in about 2 minutes. All kinds of cheese--American, French, stinky, mild, shredded, sliced, moldy. It's great. Goes with everything.

9. Books
This is kind of general, but I'm fairly obsessed with books. When I moved a couple of years ago I moved very close to my favorite bookstore and I have to limit my enjoyment of said bookstore to once a week. And I try to just browse, but I love books. The feel of the covers, the smell of the page and the ink, the information and stories contained within them. I have 5 bookshelves in my small apartment and I'll need a 6th soon. I love to read and think there is nothing better than to take a vacation so I can go away and read.

10. Hats
I love ball caps. Love them. I wear one probably every other day, but I if I'm wearing a team hat it must be the Cincinnati Reds. I may not watch them all the time, but I have a hometown loyalty and would never wear another team's hat. The most recent addition to my collection was a NASA hat, brought back from the Kennedy Space Center---a wonderful intersection of two of my obsessions. My love of hats is probably also why I have many different kippot and not just one that I wear.

Now, wasn't that an interesting trip into my mind?

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