
Surrey w/ the fringe(s) on top...

This past Saturday marked a new chapter in my journey into observance: I began wearing tzitzit. It is something that I have been considering taking on for quite awhile (case in point: I actually purchased the tzitzit more than 2 years ago), but just came to the decision to do it last week. Part of why I chose now to do it is that I have been wearing a kippah at all times for over a year now; I've grown comfortable with being outwardly Jewish in all aspects of my public life. I felt it was time to be outwardly Jewish in a commanded way. The other reason is that wearing my tallit on Shabbat or when I pray is very special to me; it reminds me of who I am as a Jew and where I am going. Having this physical reminder every day, all day long, is something that I wanted (incidentally that was one of the reasons I initially began to wear my kippah at all times). Why should I only be reminded of my journey while I am praying and not all the time. Am I not a Jew all of the time?

So far it has been very positive for me. I've gotten a few questions about what they were at work (someone asked me if it was some kind of belt) and a couple of friends have congratulated me on taking this step. I saw my rabbi for the first time last night and he was kind of frazzled so I don't know if he noticed; I specifically picked a weekend that I wouldn't see him (there was a youth group trip) so that I could achieve a comfort level before he commented--which isn't to say he will comment negatively, or even at all. It's an odd quirk of mine; this is the rabbi I converted under and part of me will always be his student and looking for his approval in some way; it's not necessarily logical.

Beyond that, the only problem I've run into is purely practical: going to the bathroom. It may sound crude, but how does one sit down without risking getting the fringes wet? My initial solution is to tuck everything under my shirt and kind of roll it up. It has worked so far. The other practical problem is that I dislike it when a shirt rides up and reveals any skin. If I am wearing a polo shirt or a t-shirt that does this, I'll wear an undershirt that can be tucked in. I've noticed that the tzitzit tend to make this happen even on shirts that don't normall ride up, so I've been wearing an undershirt under the tzitzit, which in turn is under my outer shirt. This is all fine and good in the winter when one more layer is just going to be better anyway, but Cincinnati gets hot during the summer, so I'm going to need to figure something out. I know I could just tuck the fringes in, but then I feel like the point of wearing them, my own visual reminder, is moot.


lxr23g56 said...

Congrats! It's a lovely practice and something which is foundational to my own observance.

lxr23g56 said...

Oh and BTW I do the tuck and role myself and for the most part it world just fine. As for tucking vs not tucking, I myself do both depending on what's going on. However the bottom line is that the Mitzvah is fulfilled by donning them. Wearing them in or out is a personal style thing. Although I myself prefer wearing them out, I don't feel it's always appropriate. But hey, thats just me.

Dusty said...

As I said on Sunday, Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you to be able to take this step. And I have to say I am so proud that you are 'brave' enough to wear them out. I think that is awesome. You ROCK!

JD said...

Thanks! I think that there are probably a few situations where I would tuck them in (attending a family wedding at a church, etc).

:) Thanks for your support.