
Ah, co-workers

So, today is my birthday (28, by the way). I walked into the office this morning to discover this in my cube:

My co-workers blew up 99 balloons (apparently 1 popped of the 100 planned) and Saran-wrapped them into my cube last night after I left. It was very sweet of them, and I was truly touched. The nut-jobs. ;)


I'll have something Jewish to post, soon. Work was busy last week and then there was the blizzard this weekend, but I've been going to an adult ed on Jewish prayer at my temple, so I'll have some thoughts on that.


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Hah! We once did that to my brother's car ... it was awesome. Well, stuffed it with balloons anyhow.

Happy birthday :D

Dusty said...

Yea! Happy Birthday to YOU!

lxr23g56 said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!